There’s never been a one-size-box fits all approach to most things in life. This is especially true for your relationship with God. This is especially true of our God. He certainly doesn’t fit in a box. I knew this. Of course, I did. But it didn’t stop me from reading the many Christian self-help kind of books. You know the ones titled things like, How to Pray or 10 Steps to Living Your Best Christian Life.
These books come with rules and schedules. Oh my, the schedules. I read about carving the hour out in the morning time for scripture reading and meditation. There was even a guide on creating a special place in your home for this very time all the way down to adding an essential oil spray. Lavender – it’s very calming.
Reminders on attending Sunday service and volunteering your extra time with the church were common suggestions. Don’t forget about the small groups and attending Wednesday night Bible Study. Then there were suggestions like always talk to God while you are washing the dishes or folding laundry.
Then there were the suggestions on proper nutrition and exercising, because our bodies need to glorify Christ. I agree. I’m not saying any of these things are bad recommendations, but I was exhausted just from reading.
One day, I made up my mind to give it a go. You know, become a scheduled Christian. Of course, I know the all or nothing approach doesn’t work well for me, so I planned it out in small steps.
Honestly, I love sleeping and I am not an early bird. So, I decided to save the early morning scripture reading for last. Just the thought of trying to focus on old King James in the wee hours before the kid woke up, made me nervous.
I started with attending Sunday service regularly, which I enjoyed. This was easy.
I got information about the Wednesday night Ladies’ Bible study. They were mid-study, so I would start when the next book began.
I volunteered one night a week with the youth group.
Walking in the evenings was already routine for me, so I started to add a few more greens to the dinner menu.
Busy checking off the items of my new schedule, I realized I hadn’t even been talking to God like before. The way I have been communicating with him since I was a little girl. I made sure to schedule in communication time and my commute was perfect.
After all, my car had become my church when I went through a really tough year.
Riding home one evening, my conversation went something like this.
Hey God, sorry I haven’t been doing this one on one communicating much lately. I’m working on changing that.
I barely finished the sentence before I became distracted by a song on the radio. Tapping the wheel and singing along, I continued my ride home. A few minutes later, I remembered my start to the conversation.
Switching the radio off, I apologized for my attention disorder.
Things are going well. Of course, you know this. It’s a big change from several months ago. Well, you know this. I think I talked to you every hour of the day then. I’m guessing you remember. I do miss it. I miss you. Not that you are missing or anything. I know you are here.
I know I don’t have to be going through a rough time to talk to you. It’s just been kind of routine over here lately. There’s work and playing with the kiddo. He’s getting so big and man is he smart. The weeks are busy and going by too fast.
Tapping the wheel again, I really didn’t know what else to say. I wasn’t in need of anything. The family and friends were in relatively good shape. I didn’t really know quite what to say, so I just continued with praise.
Thank you Lord. Thank you for everything. I’m not quite sure what else to talk about right now, but we have approximately fifteen more minutes. What am I supposed to say? Everything is very routine right now. Which I am thankful about. But, I’m kind of… Well. Boring. My life is kind of uninteresting right now.
But you know this.
Gripping the wheel, I started giggling. Ok, full blown laughing at the thought of how silly I sounded. I had just scheduled in a conversation with God in which I really didn’t have anything to talk about. I’m pretty sure He thought it was funny too, because at that very moment a rainbow appeared right over the water on my left.
It was perfectly sunny with no clouds in sight. And yet a rainbow showed up.

This schedule of being the perfect Christian made the relationship with God an obligation instead of the gift that it is.
I finished the semester with the youth group and decided to spend the time with my own child instead. After spending a full day at work, I wanted to spend what little daylight hours I had with my family.
There is a time and a season for everything. Nothing was done out of selfish intent, I needed to reevaluate how I spent the little free time I had.
I made it to church most Sundays and enjoyed reading the Bible in the evenings before bed. I didn’t follow a study guide all of the time, I just read the words and applied them in my daily life.
I read the Bible like the love story it is meant to be, where Christ is the author and I am the intended recipient.
And I don’t care what anyone thinks, Oreos are a direct gift from God – along with enjoying any sweet treat every now and then or daily. Some of the best conversations have occurred with two spoons and one slice of cheesecake.
In my pursuit to live an exemplary Christian lifestyle, I became an uninteresting cardboard cut-out. I actually strayed farther away from my goal.
So I ditched the new routine and started to savor my relationship with my Savior again. And well it felt like enjoying a late night conversation with two spoons and a delectable slice of Heaven.
