New article on ibelieve.com
"Flipping the page to chapter seven, I read the word "breadcrumbs," and I grinned in disbelief. The author used the same term I've used for years to describe the things and people God places in our path to help us navigate our journey. I've heard these instances called God Winks, Divine Details, and the skeptics call them coincidences. But I had never heard anyone use the Hansel and Gretel path of breadcrumbs."
Continue reading at https://www.ibelieve.com/faith/this-verse-pulled-me-out-of-the-darkness.html
Oh my goodness, this article was such a “breadcrumb“ for me. And the song that was playing as I was reading it another one. God‘s timing is always perfect, and I love how He can make his voice so clear if you are listening ❤️
Thank you so much for sharing your story and for this truth!