“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” —Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

I recently read an anonymous quote that said, “Be the church when the service is over.” This simple sentence succinctly defines Christian missions. I used to think missions were reserved for people called Missionaries who traveled to third-world countries, gave out Bibles, built orphanages and schools, bandaged wounds, and fed the poor. As I’ve grown in years and matured in my faith, I’ve discovered that I don’t have to be a Theologian or Social Worker or sign up for a summer in Honduras to fulfill the great commission Jesus commanded to His apostles in Matthew 28:19-20. I just need to walk in obedience to go and “make disciples.” That’s what the Twelve Apostles did, literally: unqualified, ordinary men walked everywhere in obedience, proclaiming the Gospel to all.
And look how God multiplied their faithfulness! The disciples had to travel by foot. Just think how far and wide our efforts go with our modern-day conveniences before God even works His miraculous multiplication.
Our mission begins each morning we wake, each time we absorb the wisdom of the Bible. It's a mission that starts within the walls of our homes and extends to every interaction in our daily lives. We're on a sacred mission when we offer a comforting word to a friend, show patience to a cashier, contribute to charity, volunteer our time, or share a few dollars with a homeless veteran. These seemingly small acts carry the weight of our faith and the power of our mission to bring people closer to Jesus.

When we share a Bible verse or uplifting message on social media, God's divine algorithm reaches a lonely soul on the other side of the world.
When we play worship music with our car windows down, the Holy Spirit's presence is felt by the person at the traffic light next to us. A simple 'God bless you' can soften a heart. Holding hands can calm an anxious mind. Sitting in silence with a friend speaks louder than words. And our prayers undoubtedly change lives.
Sister, when we pray daily for God to use us for His Glory, He will. So be ready to answer this captivating call!
Question for Reflection:
We are all missionaries for Christ. What is a simple thing you can do today to answer the call to the great commission? Now, go do it!
Please Pray:
Dear God, I praise you today because you are always good. You are always working on our behalf and for the greater good of your kingdom and children. I ask that you help me lead a life devoted to reflecting your light in a dark world. May even my everyday mundane tasks be an offering to you, and the words I speak bring you glory. I pray all of this in your heavenly name, Jesus. Amen.
This article was published as part of the Daily Daybreak Devotions on Crossmap.com.